Do I have a deductible or copay?

No, Solidarity HealthShare does not have deductibles or copays.

Because we are not an insurance program, your Membership is not an insurance policy, and so does not have the components of an insurance policy like a deductible, copay, coinsurance, etc.

In order to ensure that the Sharing Community is being a good steward of Members' funds, we have an Annual Unshared Amount (AUA), which is the amount of eligible medical expenses that must be paid by a Membership household in a program year. Once the AUA has been met, eligible medical expenses are shared at 100% up to $1 million dollars per incident, per year, per Member.

When Solidarity ONE Members are picking up their prescriptions, we do have a co-share that Members pay to the pharmacy at pickup. This co-share is in place because generic prescriptions are automatically shared directly to the pharmacy at the time the prescription is filled, and the cost of the prescription is not subject to the Annual Unshared Amount. In lieu of the prescription cost being applied to the AUA, a small percentage of the discounted price of the prescription is the Member's responsibility to pay in the form of a co-share at the time of pickup. 

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